03 January 2010

Day 3/365: Seeking Solitude on the Road Less Traveled

I didn't take the time to compose this picture or any other photographer's setup gobbledegook, I just seized the moment in order to steal a moment of the subject's peace....knowing that she has the peace that passeth all understanding and for a moment....just a small moment...being able to feel what she felt.

What I love about this photograph: The peace that emanates from the subject.
Technical Stuff:  Nikon D40; 55.0mm; 1/640s; f/13.0; ISO 200


Mari said...

Another beautiful shot! It makes me feel peaceful just looking at it. I also like the title.

My Vagabond Heart said...

I can feel the sun's warmth. Excellent!

Jill said...

Indeed we were in the same mood! :D Love the colour of the grass...

Samantha said...

I can feel it... makes me want to find wherever that is and walk there too... lovely shot.

Gena D said...

Hi Sam, I love this pic and get you on the composing thing ... sometimes you just have to "capture the moment" (wrote article on this exact topic in my blog (see last Friday's entry for link, if you are interested) ...
thx 4 visiting my blog, leaving comments and for following me!!
Gena @ thinking aloud

Sally said...

A beautiful shot. I love all the shimmer.


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